Driko's homage to the '80s! Click for a larger version.
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1371 songs and counting!

Last updated: 7/23/06

Note: There are a LOT of broken affiliate links. Please bear with me while I slowly fix this. Also, I'm working on the formatting of the alphabetical pages, so some of them don't look as nice as the others. As I slowly work my way down the alphabet, things will shape up. All of the lyrics are still there, though.

This page started out as a place for me to post my '80s mix tape collection, and I later included lyrics to almost all of the songs in that collection. So, while I've covered a lot of ground, there are many songs that you won't see here, as they never got added to an "official" mix tape. Once I get through reorganizing, I may try and add to the extensive collection of lyrics. That I even mention mix tapes rather than mix CDs or playlists tells you how long this page has been around ;-). Anyway, you have two options:

  1.  notes At the top of each page, you can see an alphabetical navigation bar that takes you straight to that letter, or you can click here to start from the top.
  2.  cassette If you'd like to see my "classic" list of mix tapes, then click here for the chronological list.

Finally, check below for some more sources for lyrics.

Driko's Quest For '80s Music

I love the music of the '80s! OK, I don't like *every* song that came out during the decade, but even cheesy '80s stuff can be fun! ;-) Although not everyone shares my affinity to '80s music, one of my greatest pleasures comes from hearing a long-lost '80s tune. What began as a quest for obscure '80s singles that could only be found on 45s, LPs, and cassettes expanded into getting ahold of the many new CD's that have compilations of some of the best (and worst, I'll grant you) of the '80s. So I now have hundreds of tapes, 45s, albums, and CDs with just '80s stuff, as well as my favorite albums by '80s artists. That wasn't enough for me, though! Of course, people that know me realize I rarely go half-assed with my obsessions I mean interests ;-). Anyway, since I was dissatisfied with all those other compilations out there, and since there were so many songs I couldn't find anywhere, I embarked on my Quest and recorded my own mix tapes from all of the music that I found. Right now the tapes comprise 62 volumes of over 1300 songs! Many is the day that they are source of pleasure, consolation, and reflection...

Any regular viewers of this page (I can hope, can't I? ;-) may have noticed that I haven't added any tape volumes for a long time. The obvious reason for this is that I stopped dubbing mix tapes and moved into the digital age. I have been rerecording all of my tapes to CDs and am about halfway done. The hard part has been trimming down the tapes, since moving from 90 minute tapes to 80 minute CDs obviously requires me to lose a couple of songs per volume. The cool part about working with my songs in digital form is that I can now mix and blend them together, something that I just couldn't do with a regular tape deck. I've been using a program called MixMeister to do this and can highly recommend it. Also, it's a lot easier to hear the overall mix of the tape when it's all digital, so I've rethought some of the mixes as well. I might be adding a section showing my progress with my CDs soon.

If I've missed some song that should be included in my mixes or collection, please let me know! I feel that the best '80s music came out between 1982 and 1987, although I am *really* flexible as far as that goes. You'll see that I often made exceptions to songs before and after the decade proper, including some from around 1978-79 or 1990-91 that hit it big and still captured the "feel" of the '80s or were done by predominantly '80s artists like The Cars, Van Halen, and Phil Collins, to name a few examples. I don't have a really good justification for not including some of the late 1980's artists, but some just don't have the right sound to them in my opinion; for example: Paula Abdul, Wilson Phillips, Guns and Roses, and others. Don't get me wrong, I like music from those artists, but I don't really consider their music '80s music, even if it did come out in that decade. Also, some early '80s songs have too much of a '70s or disco sound to be included with the '80s. But, I am not inflexible in my ways, and have been breaking my own "rules" as of late, so convince me otherwise if you have a bone to pick...

notesAs you probably noticed, I finally hyperlinked lyrics to the song lists! Although some of these sites are now defunct, I must give credit to the 80s Music Repository, Ultimate '80s Songs, Lyrics World, and The International Lyrics Server in particular for helping me find almost all of the lyrics. And, I have been slowly transcribing the rest myself, so I can definitely relate to how painstaking the process can be. Check below for some more sources for lyrics if you're still trying to find that one song... :-)

Lyrics Links and Resources

Although I pride myself on being able to name even the most obscure of songs in a couple of notes, I often have a lot of trouble with lyrics. That fact is one of the main reasons I compiled all of those lyrics to go along with my '80s tapes. But to further help myself and to answer some of the many requests I've received for lyrics, I've assembled a bunch of sites with lyrics and lyrics resources. Hopefully if I haven't found what you're looking for one of these sites can help out. Enjoy and good luck!

Lyrics Sites

Lyrics World
huge lyrics site with Top 40 hits for each year indexed (most with lyrics) from the '50s on, as well as a lot more!
'80s Music Lyrics
large selection of '80s lyrics, as well as games and quizzes
Ultimate '80s Songs
Music Song Lyrics
Leo's Lyrics Database
80's music lyrics Web Guide
Find Top 80's music song lyrics on our hand made web guide. Also links to top 100 charts from the 80's and even fun quiz games!
Lyrics Temple
A-Z Lyrics Universe
Lyrics Of Songs
Song Lyrics NZ
Zel's 80's Music Lyrics
Lyrics Temple
Yeah Yeah Yeah Lyrics
Jonathan Harel's Lyrics Collection
Rock Wisdom
a huge compendium of rock lyrics quotes organized into categories
The Music Made Me Do It

Lyrics Reference Sites and Search Engines

Lyricsfly is a large collection of lyrics titles indexed by suggesting search results in real time as you type in the search box
Lyrics Connection
The Lyrics Library
Lyrics Junkie
Lyrics.com - Web Directory
ACA Music and Lyrics Collection
The Lyrics Ring
Lyrics World
The 80's Music Center
mostly links back to my lyrics page :-p, but some others too
Abundant Lyrics : Classic_Rock
Song Lyrics


The Art of the Mix
"Making Mix Tapes, Mixed CDs and MP3 Playlists"


Peter Gabriel

The Police

Billy Joel

Phil Collins

Bruce Springsteen

Michael Jackson

Madonna - Like A Virgin





great source for hard-to-find music

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